

Sunday, 12 October 2003

The Matchbox definition

“[...] But I'm not crazy; I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay a while and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be [...]”

Wednesday, 8 October 2003

From Russia, with love

I can't stop thinking of my Sweet Russian Girlfriend. She's already part of my life. I'm so infatuated I am surprised. We exchange messages everyday, several times a day, either via SMS or email. And we are so connected that if I think of her, a couple of minutes later she will write me and vice-versa.

It's pretty much what J and I used to have, the difference being whenever I had the feeling J was thinking of me she would usually be doing something wrong...

Yulia also seems to 'feel' when something is bothering me. When she does, she's got such a nice non-intrusive way of asking me what the problem is that her being so tactful makes me smile. She's adorable.

We're talking marriage already. The plan is to meet end of this year or begin of next year, spend sometime together to assess marriage is the right thing to do and if so, get married in June.

I mentioned the plans to my sister and she got a bit concerned... "Don't you think it's too soon? You barely know her!!!" Yeah, of course it is soon but does is really matter? Sometimes you spend years with someone just to find out you never really knew that person. What's the difference?

Sunday, 5 October 2003


Back from Malaysia, on the way to Bangkok. Turns out my visit to KL wasn't so bad after all. The customer is still clueless and things are still delayed - much to the end user annoyance - but at least our part is safe. Some damage control was all we needed, even though there was no problem in the first place. It took us, BK and I, exact 10 minutes on the server room to put things to work. All we did was start the software and - Voila - all worked. A couple of meetings with the chickens and we were out of there. Well, BK and WT were; I stayed for another day as requested by the end user.

I managed to get back home before the OIC meeting really started. Trust me, unless you are a Muslim Official, you don't want to be there. Do not get me wrong, it has nothing to do with the religion. It's just that traffic jams are the rule rather than the exception and with all the preparations for the summit, the problem just gets worse.

So I got back home on Friday afternoon, on time to do some grocery shopping for the Saturday BBQ. I'm getting older, you see. Tomorrow I'll be turning 36. Joseph, my landlord and friend was very kind to suggest lunch at his place in celebration to my birthday. But after giving it some thought I decided to spare him the trouble and prepare a BBQ at home instead. It was quite good I'd say, though I was a bit concerned about BK. He's vegetarian and apart from the salad there wasn't much for him to eat.

I rested all day on Sunday, organising my DVD collection and chatting to Yulia over SMS. Oh, she is really adorable. I think this is it: she's the one. She already has me so infatuated that J became someone from the past. Yes, she's that good.

Of course J still shows up now and then but if at first I'd keep thinking about her, why it didn't work between us and if it would be any different should we give it another try, now I find myself annoyed by her persistent attempts to try again. Her sweetness sounds fake and I can feel her desperate to act understanding and changed. Somewhat pitiful, I would say.

The relationship with Yulia, on the other hand, just keeps getting better. Well, if you can call this a relationship, that is. I mean, she's still there on the other side of the world. But we are making plans. And I am glad to announce my plans to get married next year might become a reality.

We are talking about June. Sounds far but time flies. I will have a couple of months to save some money for flight tickets and marriage expenses (the income tax and the operation exhausted my funds). I should travel to Russia end of the year, spend Xmas and New Year with her, come back, save some more money, bring her over to spend a month and then return for the marriage. After that we can go to Brazil and I will introduce her to my family. Good Lah!!!

She has given me new strength to fight the good fight, you know? I feel more motivated. I can feel things getting better. Even the illness did not put me down. It's all about attitude, I know. But that is exactly my point. She makes me face life with better attitude and that makes everything else better.

Even the travels are starting again. After a period of inactivity, I was beginning to get bored. But now I am getting busy again. I was in Malaysia last week, this week I am going to Thailand and next week I am probably flying to the Philippines. And I am loving it!

Last week was only troubleshooting at RHB. This week I will be 'shadowing' Simon, a consultant from Australia who is coming to Bangkok to install GVP to Samart. I am just tagging along as this is going to be my first contact with the tool. Then, my return to the Philippines after a loooong time is for a brief POC for a local contact centre outsourcer. Nothing special, just a blended OCS environment. That will put my knowledge to proof.

It's going to be a busy month, I am sure. But again, that is good. Time flies when you are having fun.