

Saturday, 5 July 2003

When nice people behave not so nicely

For those who don't know, Singapore is a very controlled and organized country. To the point jokes will say it's a fine city: you'll get fined for almost anything, from chewing gum to not flushing the toilet. From speaking in public without a permit to feeding the birds in a park.

Though it might sound funny to some and too extreme to others, this approach ensures the country is clean and things work as expected. And while it's an annoyance to most, for me, coming from a country where anarchy is the rule not the exception, this strict way of running the country is a blessing.

You learn to live with these rules. And the moment they serve you in any way, you become glad they were there. The only problem is: you really get used to things done the proper way. You get used to abiding to the law. And when you feel something is not the way it's supposed to be, you resent it.

I do not have many complaints about life in Singapore. When asked if I like the place, I have no problem saying it's the second best country in the globe (Denmark still being the first). I have always been treated with respect and fairness here. But sometimes I catch myself thinking: are Singaporeans nice people by nature or because of the law?

Consider this: Every one knows you're not supposed to switch your mobile on while in the plane. Whether it is really dangerous is beyond the point. We’re told to have it switched off at all times while on board the aircraft. When the cabin crew says that repeatedly and in different languages, would you agree there is a reason for it? And if they say having the mobile on interferes with the plane's navigation system, wouldn't it be fair to at least give them the benefit of doubt and just have the bloody piece of equipment off?

Well, so it happens ever so frequently that, whenever arriving in Singapore, as soon as the plane has its wheels on the ground, people start switching on their phones. It's just plain stupid! Flight attendants will not allow you to answer the phone if it happens to ring. Besides, after you've been on a plane with your mobile off for two hours (or whatever amount of time, for that matter), what difference does it make if you switch it on 15 minutes after the touch down, when you are already outside, in the lounge?

On this last flight, this guy’s phone started ringing while the plane was still on it’s way to the gate. At first he pretended it wasn’t his. You know, that “Gold Fish” look on his face. Then, when the situation was unbearable, everyone else staring at him and the stewardess already approaching to lecture him, he switched it off without answering, all apologetic. What a clown.

Makes no sense to me... But, what the heck, I'm getting old and grumpy. Never mind me! Just the same, I’ll tell you more about ‘nice people behaving not so nicely’ some other time.