

Friday 27 June 2003

Going home! Wah lao, I was in Kuala Lumpur for only three days but it was enough to get a feeling on how this project is going to be. Remember I said it was going to be a piece of cake? Well, it's not! The technical part poses no problem but dealing with an arrogant clueless pseudo Project Manager wannabe seems to be the challenge I'll have to face.

I was under the impression this guy's work was actually to create obstacles for me to tackle. It's like a pissing contest. "Let's see who the real macho here" sort of thing. For example, he wouldn't let me have copy of our own database. He said the information was 'confidential'! For me? C'mon!!! It's my work to check these things!

The analogy I used to explain things to my colleagues was quite funny but also very real. Imagine your wife is complaining of sharp unbearable pain in her breasts. You take her to see a doctor. Once you're there, the conversation between the the doctore and you goes somewhat like this:

"Ok Mrs. Whatever, take off your blouse so I can check what the problem is." - He says to her.
"Sorry. No peeking!", you reply.
"You can't look. It's private."
"What?!? Erm... Ok, ok... Let me touch and maybe I'll be able to feel something."
"Nopes. No, no, no, no! No touching!"
"Excuse me?!"
"You heard me. No touching!"
"Mr. Whatever, how do you expect me to diagnose your wife if I don't examine her?"
"Oh, I'll look and touch and I'll tell you whatever you need to know!"

I'm telling you, if it wasn't for the help of two contractors working for the bank and prompt assistant provided by my good friends and co-workers, PL & WT, I wouldn't have accomplished much this week...