

Tuesday 11 February 2003

Here we go again. It’s been a few days, I know. But this is what happens when the schedule gets a bit tight. I returned to Singapore on Friday night, had the weekend to unpack, organize things, prepare for my vacation and pack again. All went fine, thank goodness. Sure enough, my neighbor showed up to help me (or pest me) with a few things. She’s fine but I beginning to worry she is developing a crush on me. Bad move, I can tell you. I like her but I am not attracted to her, if you understand what I mean. So, it would be very bad if she got any more attached than what she is… Besides, she has funny ways and ideas that I do not appreciate much. For example, she keeps asking for the apartment keys (!) saying that since I am not always around, she could use the place. Hey, she is my neighbor! She lives next door in a apartment very similar to mine. A bit smaller, true, but we share the same facilities like pool and gym. So, what’s the point? When I ask her she says it’s because I have a maid and she can make a mess in my place and the maid will clean it up (!!). Now, how does that sounds? To me it doesn’t sound too good, no sir… So, no! I am NOT fixing that beetle bonnet!!!

On Tuesday, the day of my trip, I worked on my expenses until 5:30 in the morning. It usually wouldn’t take so long to prepare three expenses reports, but J used to do it (I think I mentioned I would give 5% of the total amount for her work) and I got a bit confused. Anyway, I finished it, went to bed, woke up around 11 and headed to the office to give the reports to my VP in the region. I also managed to print the pictures I took in Hooters the night before. My plan is to take those to Hooters Brazil and get pictured there to bring back to Singapore. Would be fun, wouldn’t it?

By 8:30 in the evening I had everything ready, so I headed to the airport. At the boarding gate, just after the ticket collection, a big quarrel was taking place between a security official and two black guys speaking French. Maybe he was from Senegal? He certainly looked like it. I do not know what they were arguing about bout the guards were called and they were threatening to have one of the black guys removed. The situation was getting very loud but eventually it was settled by the pilot, a big French fellow. I got a bit worried something would happen during the flight but in the end, it was quite ok.