

Tuesday 4 February 2003

Some say “it’s never too late”. And in my case, yesterday, it certainly wasn’t. After being thoroughly disappointed with Vee and her actions, I came back to the hotel feeling bad and pessimistic. But things changed again. I got online, checked my emails and decided I would wait for Monique to show up. While I was waiting, I started to write a long email which I sent her later. Nothing important; just small disconected thoughts in my head. Monique only appeared online around four in the morning, but chatting to her was worth the wait. She is really sweet. I don’t quite know why she’s so kind to me. Maybe it’s just the way she is. Maybe she is like that with everyone. I don't know... Anyway, it was really nice talking to her, even though I was really tired then.

She had lots of questions for me. She asked about almost everything in my life, which I gladly answered as I have nothing to hide and certainly wanted to talk. Besides, by answering her questions I give her means to get to know me a bit better. So I spent the night awake, talking to this gorgeous stranger far away from me. And again, she saved the day.

MMP also appeared online. She really wants me to go to Brazil. Her insistence gets me a bit worried. Happy that someone cares for me, but worried about her expectations for this quick visit I’m planning to make. She was even talking about the possibility of a small trip to a resort nearby Rio de Janeiro and I was forced to be a bit harsh with her, telling her not to make any plans. I really cannot tell how long I will be able to stay in Brazil. I have lots of people to visit and lots of things to do in the short time I’ll have for vacation. I don’t know if I’ll be able to visit her, let alone travel with her. Besides, I do not want to give her false hopes. I live in Southeast Asia now. When I move from here, I plan to go to Europe, not back to Brazil. That means a relationship with her is very improbable. Still, she says she knows it all and gets upset every time I bring up the subject. So, I just don’t mention it anymore…