

Sunday 15 June 2003

Another day, another airport... On the way to Kuala Lumpur I revise, half awake, half asleep, the events of the previous days.

Yesterday I finally met Lin. Remember I mentioned she did not want to meet at all and then changed her mind? I think I mentioned that… Well, anyway, she was in Bangkok when I arrived last week and we were supposed to meet there, but it did not happen. Then, when coming back, I asked if she would like to meet in Singapore and she said it would be ok. So we were exchanging messages about it and agreed that meeting at the airport would be easy and convenient for both of us.

She was not quite what I expected her to be, I shall say. I knew she was exaggerating when she mentioned she was fat and ugly. I though I couldn't care less if she really was, I must confess it was a pleasant surprise to learn otherwise. The woman is stunning! I was sitting there at the airport, having just arrived from Thailand, waiting for what I expected to be someone ordinary, when this gorgeous girl comes in my direction, nods at me and smiles. Can you imagine how surprised I was?

Nice trendy shades, sun tanned skin, discreet clothing, dazzling smile, beautiful face and, Good Lord, a body to die for! My first thought was: "She lied to me"... But a split second later I caught myself thinking: "She’s a babe! Who cares?". Besides, with her good looks, it is understandable she will try to steer away from shallow guys who will be drawn by her beauty while forgetting she's got feelings and a brain as well. If she was testing me, I passed the test. And oh, boy, was I glad!

We talked for a couple of hours, over coffee and French fries; right there at the airport. If I was tired for not sleeping much the night before, I certainly forgot about it. Her smiles were mesmerizing and I couldn’t keep my eyes off them. That fact she was shy only added to her charms. And she is as lovely in person as she was over the internet.

After we said goodbye I had a huge smile on my face. I went home and tried hard to act normal and refrain from sending her an SMS or something. “Act cool, act cool. I’ve gotta be cool!” But in fact, I was dying to write her. Call her. Talk to her. I needed to talk to her because I had this feeling things would not be the same anymore after we met in person. Over the internet, I said so much about me, my private life, things happening, my frustrations and all… I felt embarrassed when we met in person. I was already developing this crush for her before we met. Just because she was sexy and understanding and trying to help me in my frustrations with Koi etc. But after I met her – wow – that crush was a certainty!

Funny how the universe sometimes likes to play games with us. This happens right as I was being drawn to Koi. What happens now? I am filled with questions...