

Monday 2 June 2003

Ok, now do you believe me? I told you it was happening again, didn’t I? Sure enough, yesterday, there it was: an email from J. I knew it! I just knew it!!! These things are real, I am telling you! She was thinking of me. I could feel it. Then she sent an email. It was ok. Quite pleasant I would say. Just a brief note, in English, asking how things were and telling me she hoped I was fine. She also asked for postcards now and then. I don’t know why she wants them. She’s seem all these places before. I haven’t been travelling for fun, just for business. So, it’s pretty much the same places we have both been before: Thailand, The Philippines and Malaysia. I might be going to India and I keep trying to avoid going to Australia. Why would she want postcards from these places? I don’t know. Do I care? If I have the time, I will send them. Maybe she just wants to know if I am still alive, so any postcard will do.

“Hi, this is – again – the Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur. Bye”
“Hello again; Here you can see some Philippine beaches. They look nice. I haven’t been there. Bye”

Odd, ain’t it? Well, if she wants it… Whatever… I just hope she is not expecting me to be chasing different postcards all the time. I am usually too tired for that and there was a time she was worth the effort. I’m afraid it’s not the case anymore.