

Saturday, 18 January 2003

And another day comes to an end… A good day, essentially. Bung and Ooh were kind enough to accompany me in my first date with Am, which might sound odd but was actually very nice as the language can be such a barrier. Their presence was more than welcome and we all had a good time. I got Am’s pictures developed (not quite, as mine is a digital camera – ‘printed’ would be a more accurate term) and then took new ones. She is really lovely. I asked her to send my regards to Ann, which is very cunning of me, I must admit. Maybe more than cunning, you might say it was wicked. The fact is, I was really interested in Ann but, though friendly, she wouldn’t give me a chance. Then I met Am and we had a good time together with promises for other dates. I know it’s mean, but I could not resist but letting Ann know. Now, don’t be judgmental on me, it’s just human nature. If Ann knows we had fun together, interested in me or not, she will have that nagging question on her mind: what could have happened had she given me a try? It won’t end here, I am telling you. This is, as in the old Batman series, “to be continued”…

Ooh found a fortune teller at the mall and asked me if I believed in such things. Well, I do, depending on what the story is. She was a bit scared and asked me if I would follow her and I went for it. We chose a Tarot reader. I truly believe in the mystical powers of the Tarot Deck. It connects your soul with the cosmos. Or, more correctly put, it broadens your perception of such connection, which is there all the time, as a matter of fact. The problem is, if your ‘connection’ is good but the connection of the person ‘reading’ the cards isn’t, most of the facts are missed or misinterpreted. I guess this is what happened today. Our ‘help’ was not very good, either with the deck or just phrasing the results we had. Nevertheless, he managed to ‘pick up’ some interesting things.

Of course, J was present in the cards I drew. When I asked about love I was hoping he would give me some good news. And he did, but not without telling me I would have to make a decision because my 'last relationship was going to try to get back with me'. He said the future held true love from someone very special who was already lined up for me BUT I would have to choose between the old love returning and the new one still forming. He cautioned me it would not be an easy decision. He also mentioned he could foresee that the new one would be gratifying and honest while the old one would try all means to prove itself "new" and "changed" but would still be the same. He said my ‘old love’ would never change her ways and if I wanted to get back, I should be prepared to accept that fact.

Hmmm… Makes me ponder… Old relationship with all the grief, distress and misery it brought me or new one with promises of true, honest, lasting love? Gee, I guess the answer is quite clear, isn’t it? “All good things come for those who wait”, they say. Seems I will have to learn…