

Monday, 6 January 2003

Oh, well... And here we are again. This was certainly a long period of absence, wasn't it? But I had to do it. You see, this is what happened, when she found out I was writing about her, about me, about us and our day to day routine, she began reading the blog very frequently. That wasn't really a problem until she started to rub things on my face and being upset about things I wrote. So she didn't like it! Big deal! What am I to do? This is what *I* feel. What *I* think. How *I* see things. I am sure no one reads this stuff in the belief that I regard myself as the almighty, flawless one who does nothing wrong. I have faults too, you know? So, again, to avoid confrontation and making her unhappy, I stopped writing. Pronto. Now, I can almost hear your brain formulating the next question: So, why are you writing again??? Wanna try and guess? BINGO!!! She's gone again. Yep, that's true believe it or not. Didn't last too long, did it? But things are different now. Oh, yes they are...