

Sunday, 19 January 2003

The brain works in strange ways… For no particular reason I remembered that a few months ago, when J was around and had just received her salary (she worked for me organizing my expenses and preparing the expense reports – for that I would give her 5% of the amount to be claimed) she wanted to buy a pair of wedding bands. She said that when I gave her our wedding band before, she did not give it much value and did not respect it as she should have. In the end, she actually sold it. First hers and, later, my own which I also gave her. She said she wanted to buy new ones to prove this time things were different and she really understood what those bands represented. I didn’t let her do it. I told her I would buy them when the time was right and she shouldn’t worry. Had she bought them, where would they be now? Mine, in my wallet. And hers? In a pawn shop? Probably…